
Internet Archive BookServer Project 発表 (2009年10月19日)

B.Stein, The Internet Archive annouced BookServer Project, if:book (20/10/2009)


With BookServer, the Internet Archive is hoping that for the first time, consumers everywhere will be able to buy or borrow any text they want while leaving control over pricing and terms of such distribution in the hands of the content owners.

"The way Amazon is really screwing up the market, creating expectations around (lower) prices, is calamitous," McIlroy (Thad McIlroy, an electronic publishing industry analyst) said, "and very, very damaging to publishing." Essentially, Amazon is undercutting book prices and forcing publishers to make harder choices about which books to publish and how to edit them, he suggested. But now, with both Google and the Internet Archive on the job, Amazon may ultimately "be defeated by these two."

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